Sometimes you want to call a page-proces, but do need to make a compleet refresh of the page by making a request.
In my case i made a simpel master-detail screen with Tabs (Thank you Richard). In the tabs there are reports with a delete button for each row. For the delete operation i did not want refresh the complete page, but only wanted to call the page-proces i had written for the delete-operation and only wanted to refresh the report-region affected.
This is wat i did:
- I made a normal report and added an icon for the delete operation. The icon for the delete operation is the id-column in the report (PRODUCT_VERWIJZING_ID) and has the follwoing column link properties:
- link text: <img src=”#IMAGE_PREFIX#del.gif” alt=””>
- target: URL
- URL: javascript:del_verwijzing(#PRODUCT_VERWIJZING_ID#)
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