KSCOPE Preview 2019

A good tradition needs follow up, last year we were not able to fullfill our promise, this year we’ll do better.

We contacted all Dutch (and semi-Dutch) presenters that will have a session at kscope 2019 (https://kscope19.odtug.com/). Of course this evening cannot compete with the real thing in any way, but it gives us the possibility to see at least some presentations if we’re not able to attend in Seattle.

The are two tracks of each three session, over two rooms (Fire and Water)

You can regsister for this free event at our meetup: https://www.meetup.com/ORCLAPEX-NL/events/259356237/


APEX trackWaterDatabase track
18:00Roel HartmanAPEX Bad PracticesAlex NuitenRegular Expressions:
Say What?
19:00Christian RokittaKeep Me Moving –
Going Mobile with Universal
Theme and Beyond
Dimitri GielisREST Web Service?
No, GraphQL please!
20:00Menno HoogendijkReplacing Oracle Multimedia in
Your Application
Alex NuijtenSQL Syntax: Oracle vs. ANSI


APEX Bad Practices – Roel Hartman (APEX)

We all make mistakes. Making mistakes is an opportunity to learn. But as a first step you have to recognize the mistakes you made. If you don’t, those mistakes might evolve into a practice. A bad practice.But you can also learn from someone else’s mistakes. That’s why I crowdsourced “Bad Practices” that people have encountered in the wild. And I was suprised by the numerous examples people came up with.So this session will cover real world examples of practices that are labeled as “bad”. Of course we will discuss why these practices are bad and what would be the better solution.
But as a first step you have to recognize the mistakes you made. If you don’t, those mistakes might evolve into a practice. A bad practice.But you can also learn from someone else’s mistakes. That’s why I crowdsourced “Bad Practices” that people have encountered in the wild. And I was suprised by the numerous examples people came up with.So this session will cover real world examples of practices that are labeled as “bad”. Of course we will discuss why these practices are bad and what would be the better solution.

Keep Me Moving – Going Mobile with UT and Beyond -Christian Rokitta (APEX)

Using APEX for mobile web applications has always led to a limited user experience compared to native mobile applications. The use of jQuery Mobile was a valid approach to overcome this, but it had its difficulties and booby traps for developers. Recent enhancements to Universal Theme in APEX version 18 improved the UX. Combine this with the latest PWA features to provide a better user experience, and mobile versions of APEX web applications are becoming much more user friendly and native-like.
I will explain the mobile functionality of APEX and Universal Theme, including mobile-specific components and templates and touch gesture-based dynamic actions. I will also show a real-life public facing (mobile) web application. Beyond standard APEX functionality, I will demonstrate how to improve the mobile user experience with transition effects and PWA features like off-line handling, shortcut icons, and notifications, which will keep you moving.

Replacing Oracle Multimedia in Your Application – Menno Hoogendijk (APEX)

Starting in Oracle Database 18c, Oracle Multimedia is deprecated. It is the terminal release for Oracle Multimedia. We have to find replacements for the processing and conversion of images, audio files, and videos. There are many open-source and third-party products, all written in different languages. In this session, we’ll explore multiple solutions and see how they can be used in APEX and the database.

Regular Expressions: Say What? – Alex Nuijten (Database)

It has been possible to get regular expression support with its own set of functions since Oracle database release 10, but getting started with regular expressions is not easy. Most database developers would avoid them if at all possible.
With the current release of the Oracle database, regular expression syntax becomes more important. You can use it to redact data with DBMS_REDACT and to search for patterns using the Match_Recognize clause.
This session covers the basic syntax and gives you an easy introduction to regular expressions with plenty of code samples.

REST Web Service? No, GraphQL please! – Dimitri Gielis (Database)

Lately more and more developers want to access data through GraphQL. This session gives you insight on what GraphQL is and how to provide a GraphQL interface from your Oracle Database.
Oh, and you are not alone in this journey—Github, Yelp, Twitter, and many others have adopted GraphQL. It’s time to look into it. 🙂

SQL Syntax: Oracle vs. ANSI – Fight! – Alex Nuijten (Database)

Debates rage on the internet over whether it is better to use Oracle syntax or ANSI in your SQL. It is time to settle these once and for all!
In the blue corner, Alex will champion ANSI style. And in the red corner, Chris will defend Oracle syntax. 
In a best-of-three battle covering joins, functions, and recursive queries, they will each highlight the benefits of their chosen style.
This session is for developers looking to expand their SQL skills and understand the pros and cons of the syntax methods.


  • Alan Arentsen – Closing the Gap Between APEX and JET (APEX)
  • Niels de Bruijn – Making the Impossible Possible with Microsoft Cognitive Services in Your APEX App (APEX)
  • Niels de Bruijn – One Size Fits All? (APEX)
  • Menno Hoogendijk – Demystifying OAuth: A Standard for Authorization (APEX)
  • Menno Hoogendijk – Replacing Oracle Multimedia in Your Application (APEX)
  • Dimitri Gielis – Can You Do That with APEX? Building Not So Straightforward Pages (APEX)